Our Story

We are excited to celebrate our 25th year in the tax preparation business.  My tax career began after completion of an H&R Block Tax Preparation course that I initially took just to expand my own basic tax knowledge. Never did I imagine, that at the end of the course, I would be offered a job at H&R Block, in one of their southwest (Chicago area) offices.  After several years of preparing taxes at H&R Block, I realized two things: first, that I was good at preparing taxes and I enjoyed it.  Secondly, was that H&R Block and their competitors charged a lot for their tax preparation services. The natural progression was to start my own business where I could maintain my good standing with the IRS and deliver to the public a more competitive price with the same level of service.

I genuinely enjoy meeting people and I take pleasure in offering a great tax preparation experience, for a reasonable cost.

When you are ready, I look forward to serving you with your tax preparation needs.



Are you ready to file your taxes?